Sunday, January 18, 2009

Time for a Trim!

Since I've decided to take out these twists and get a good old deep condition, I'm going to trim my hair. I am not of fan of trimming, but I know that my ends aren't in the best shape, so I'm just going to get rid of them. No pain, no gain right??? I have a pretty basic trimming technique, as many of you may have. I clip the ends of my twists. I might not even be cutting off enough to keep the split ends from spreading, but hey, it's worked this far! I typically trim 3 to 4 times a year, just because I don't want to get carried away.


Laquita said...

I'm not a 'fan' of timming either, but I actually had to a 'dusting' of my ends a couple of weeks ago. Since I've been wearing protective styles I've noticed that I have picked up the bad habbit of not paying attention to my ends :o(

Laquita said...

Oops I meant 'trimming' :o)